Vavavoom Eyelashes:
Curl eyelashes, then follow with a few coats of Covergirl's Lash Blast. Wait a few moments, reapply. This is the finest mascara I've found. It truly gives you Bette Davis eyes at a low cost.
For extra volume, you can always attach falsies and then apply the mascara.
Lips like Cherries:
For hot red lips, turn to Vincent Longo. I use his Gel-X lipstick, which is the most stunning shade of true red I've found. It slides on perfectly and smells really good too. I got my stick from Sephora.
Full Hair:
There's a reason they string instruments with horse hair! I use Mane N' Tail Horse Shampoo, which makes my hair ultra thick. Try it out if you're looking for something gentle and thickening for your locks. At 7 bucks, it can be a tad expensive if you're looking to get the conditioner as well. But it's totally worth it.