Weight loss has been on my mind a lot lately. Both because I need to lose some weight and the fact that rich, sweet food is everywhere this season.
There are things I like about my body and things I don't. Sometimes I can see how nice my figure could be if I worked out and took care of myself. All I want to lose is 30 pounds, but I just can't seem to force myself to commit to a fitness plan. A couple times a week I'll hop on the elliptical for half an hour, but it's not enough. I'm still taking in too many calories.
I am resolving to really make the effort. I am tired of not having the kind of figure I want. And honestly, exercise gets to be enjoyable. It's just avoiding the calories. If I don't eat too many calories in a day, I'm still not eating well because I don't have a balanced diet. I do not have a taste for most protein and while I can enjoy vegetables, they bore me.
But it's time to get real. I want to be fit and thin. And now's the time to do it.
If anyone else out there is wanting to get serious about weight loss, I salute you.
Here is a little gift from a book printed in 1870 called "The Laws of Health in Relation to the Human Form," a vintage diet:
Lean beef, mutton, game, cold fowl, or other meat, except pork, bacon, or veal.
Any fish except cat fish, eel, salmon, or fresh mackerel.
Eggs boiled, dropped, or in an omelette, most of the yelk being avoided.
A small piece of ship's biscuit, gluten or bran bread, or thin dry toast from stale bread.
Coffee or tea, one cup, without milk or sugar. Russian tea is very suitable. It has a thick slice of lemon floating in the cup instead of milk or sugar.
Soup- maigre.
Fish - of any kind, except those mentioned above, prepared plainly.
Meats- mutton, beef, game, fowls, or any other lean meat with the exceptions mentioned above, the fat being carefully skimmed from the gravies.
Vegetables- beans, peas, cabbages, onions, apple-sauce, tomatoes, asparagus, eggplant, or any other vegetable except beets, oyster plant, turnips, potatoes, carrots, rice, green peas and corn.
Gluten bread, or a small portion of bran bread.
Dessert- fruit cooked without sugar, water-ice, cheese.
For drinks, pure water, and if accustomed to spirits, better stop them.
Cold meat from the dinner.
A small portion of dry toast or gluten bread, cheese, water-ice. Plain fruit without sugar. Raw tomatoes. Apple sauce without sugar. The white of dropped eggs.
Tea without milk or sugar.