Edgar Cayce's Skin Beautifier

edgar cayce skin

I am an Edgar Cayce devotee, and trust in the validity of anything he recommended for health and wellness. Recently, I discovered a recipe for a skin treatment that he maintained would keep skin beautiful and free from blemishes. I'm obsessed with skincare, and so is Johanna over at Sweet Mysterious Feast. When I told her about this wondrous potion, she immediately purchased everything we needed to whip it up ourselves!

I have been using this for the past few nights, and am pleased with the results. It certainly moisturizes and leaves my skin dewy and fresh, but it's super oily and messy. I recommend it for a beauty night spent at home, not before you apply makeup in the morning! It also would be a perfect way to moisturize your whole body after your nightly bath or shower.

What You Need:

1 tablespoon lanolin
6 ounces peanut oil
2 ounces olive oil
1 tablespoon rosewater (optional)

Blend together. I used our Nutri Ninja to whip it up, then stored it in a plastic container in the fridge. 

I discovered the exact amounts to use in Polly Guerin's blog, Awaken Your Sleeping Beauty. Polly has used the mixture for years, and says that she has maintained smooth, wrinkle-free skin. I'm sold! 

C'mon, don't hold out on me. I need your skincare secrets, too, so share in the comments down below!

The Gilded Aesthetic : Edgar Cayce's Skin Beautifier

The Gilded Aesthetic

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Edgar Cayce's Skin Beautifier

edgar cayce skin

I am an Edgar Cayce devotee, and trust in the validity of anything he recommended for health and wellness. Recently, I discovered a recipe for a skin treatment that he maintained would keep skin beautiful and free from blemishes. I'm obsessed with skincare, and so is Johanna over at Sweet Mysterious Feast. When I told her about this wondrous potion, she immediately purchased everything we needed to whip it up ourselves!

I have been using this for the past few nights, and am pleased with the results. It certainly moisturizes and leaves my skin dewy and fresh, but it's super oily and messy. I recommend it for a beauty night spent at home, not before you apply makeup in the morning! It also would be a perfect way to moisturize your whole body after your nightly bath or shower.

What You Need:

1 tablespoon lanolin
6 ounces peanut oil
2 ounces olive oil
1 tablespoon rosewater (optional)

Blend together. I used our Nutri Ninja to whip it up, then stored it in a plastic container in the fridge. 

I discovered the exact amounts to use in Polly Guerin's blog, Awaken Your Sleeping Beauty. Polly has used the mixture for years, and says that she has maintained smooth, wrinkle-free skin. I'm sold! 

C'mon, don't hold out on me. I need your skincare secrets, too, so share in the comments down below!


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